Sweet Charles is 7 Months

My baby boy is growing up! It has been so much fun watching him develop each day and is getting more fun by the second. New things he is up to since last month:

Babbling and lots of it. Mostly ba ba ba ba ba.

Wanting to be able to see you and near you all the time.

Eating and LOTS of it! He is loving squash, sweet potatoes, pears, applesauce and really enjoys feeding himself finger foods.

Interacting with toys and getting upset when they are taken from him or he drops them.

Splashing away while swimming.

Sitting and rolling like a champ.

Laughing hysterically at his brother for pretty much all things he does.

Sleeping well and being able to transfer from one place to another and stay asleep. (So thankful for this.)

Developing his fine motor skills, including putting his own binky in, occasionally holding a bottle and feeding him self small food items.

Smiling at every one who will pay attention to him. Batting his long lashes and big eyes, and folding into a full body smile. Pretty darn cute!

Love you my Baby Charles! You are a blessing!


Time to put up some bumpers.


His first Fourth of July!


Sometimes his expressions look just like his Daddy!


Having fun meeting cousins who are so close in age!


Enjoying a lunch date with our favorite 93 year old neighbor.


Loving being held and close. My favorite!!!


Chillin out with Will only 5 days apart!


Enjoying soccer time.




Being fed by brother.



Happy 7 months baby Char!!